Thursday, August 21, 2008

Riding on flat tires is hard :)

So apparently it's a good idea to check the tire pressure on your tires once in a while. As I posted earlier, I've been trying to ride my bike for exercise. Well, instead of getting easier, it was getting harder and harder to finish my ride every morning. Les was fixing the tires on the kids bikes so I asked him to check my tires as well just to make sure. The tires ended up needing quite a bit of air even though they didn't look flat at all. Well, my next bike ride was a breeze compared to the last one. Hills that were once a chore were so much easier. I got done with my regular route 15 minutes faster!! So, lesson learned, I need to check the pressure more often. Who knew that could make such a difference :)

1 comment:

Shawna said...

Oh it totally makes a difference! The first time I took my bike out this summer I had Kyle check the tires on my bike but didn't think anything about the tires on Dax's trailer and it totally kicked my butt! I was panting so hard by the time I finished and I was so discouraged about how out of shape I felt. Well Kyle checked the tires on the trailer that night and wouldn't you know, they were pretty low on air! haha Just thought I'd let ya know that you're not alone!!