Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Kaden wants earrings

Or at least he thought he did. This morning as he was walking in front of me I noticed something shiny in his ear that just didn't look right. On closer inspection, I saw that he had the back of an earring lodged into his ear. My first thought was how am I going to get that out. I grabbed the tweezers, but after looking at it again I decided there really wasn't anything to grab onto and I didn't want to hurt him or push it in further, so I called the doctor's office to get him in first thing. Thankfully WeeCare just opened a new office in Syracuse and they had a wide open schedule. So we got dressed real quick and headed over. He was really good as the doctor looked at his ear and he sat perfectly still as the doctor scooped it out with his cool little tool. What a relief!!! The doctor said he didn't do any damage and that he would be fine. I guess I'm lucky he found one of the bigger earring backs that are really rounded to stick in his ear instead of one of the sharper and smaller ones. So, there was my excitement for the day. Hopefully he has decided that sticking things in his ears is not a good thing!!


Carlee Hoopes said...

Oh that's horrible! I'm surprised you even saw it in there! At least he didn't lodge it up his nose or something. I just heard about someone whose kid put a bean up his nose and after a while of smelling a strange smell they took him into the dr. and it had sprouted in all his nasal cavities. SICK! Glad you had a happy ending.

linnellbelle said...

My brother stuck foam from his car seat up his nose! My mom kept wondering where the carseat foam was going until she finally connected it with the strange smell coming from her son! Crazy kids huh!

Travis & Steff said...

Scary! I am glad he is OK. I remember when Emily shoved insulation up her nose. It makes you wonder what they are thinking.

the5johnsons said...

what is up with kids these days. Kennedie stuck a dental pick up her nose and made it bleed. I asked her why she did that and she said that she was trying to get the plastic bead out. Luckily all the blood washed it out. I did have to soak her shirt in oxy, but she seemed okay.