Thursday, July 31, 2008

My feeble attempts at exercise

Recently I have been trying to get some exercise in as I really want to get in shape now that we're done having kids, because of course being pregnant is the only reason I've gained weight since we've been married :) I've tried so many different things over the years that I feel like I'm becoming somewhat of an exercise genius, or maybe just a sucker that will try the next new and amazing weight loss solution. So my latest thing is riding my bike in the mornings. This has definitely been the most cost effective thing that I've tried as I inherited my mom's old bike, you know, the kind that has the huge seat that looks so comfortable. Well, can i just say that my butt is killing me!!! Who knew that adding several pounds in the butt region could affect the comfort of a bike seat, well, it does. Remember as a kid when you would go out for a bike ride just for fun and you never got tired and it was the easiest thing in the world to do? My how a few years and a few pounds can change that!!! It's so unsettling to see how out of shape I am. So here's to my effort at weight loss this time around and hopefully it's something I can stick to until it starts to snow, then who knows what I will come up, but I'm sure the many infomercials can help me decide :)

1 comment:

linnellbelle said...

Stacey, How did you find me? I love to find people I haven't talked to in forever and stalking them, so this is great...but seriously, tell me the way you found my blog!
Yours is cute! I didn't know you had 4 still seem sane and everything. Way to go! I'm not sure I'm going to make it past 3. Thanks for the advice.