Kenzie has been very busy with dance the last couple of months. She had a performance at the Kaysville Sportsplex and also performed during half-time at the Jazz game. She had competitions at Roy High, University of Utah, and Lagoon. She also had her end of year recital at Weber State for two nights in June. She had a great time and they did very well in competition, taking a few first and second place trophies.
Brooklyn had her birthday in May. The only thing she asked for was a Barbie, so of course she got a few. We had a party with all the family and we had a great time.
Kaden had a field trip for preschool at Discovery Gateway in Salt Lake. Kaden, Brooklyn, and I took the train down to Salt Lake and met Les there and then went with Kaden's class to the museum. Me and Les each took turns following a kid and we had a lot of fun.
For Memorial Day weekend, we went camping up to Clark Canyon Reservoir near Dillon, Montana with my parents. My dad brought his boat and Les and the kids enjoyed fishing while my mom and I had a Scrabble tournament. I was having great luck that weekend and won the majority of the games.
Kaden had his Preschool graduation at the end of May. They had a really cute program and sang some songs for the parents. Teacher Britney told everyone a little bit about each kid. One of the questions asked was what they wanted to be when they grew up and Kaden said he wanted to be a pirate, crazy kid!! He really loved Teacher Britney and had a lot of fun in her class this year.
A couple weeks ago Syracuse had their Heritage Days celebration and we went to the parade that runs very near to our house. The kids got a ton of candy and Kenzie even ended up joining the parade with the PTA float to be with her friend. She was supposed to be in the parade anyway with her dance group, but we didn't get up early enough to get her there.
Last week I was able to take my group of Activity Day girls to Temple Square. We had nine girls and three leaders, so it was perfect. We had each of the girls bring a sack dinner so we could stay a while. We went on a tour of the conference center where each of the girls were obsessed with the water, they just couldn't keep their hands out of it. Then we went across the street to eat our dinners right outside the temple grounds. We took a picture of each of the girls in front of the temple to use in a later activity and then went inside the north visiting center to see the Christus and then it was time to head home.
And last, but not least, we took the kids out to Antelope Island last night for a hike. Cody is trying to get caught up on his scouting and one of the requirements was to take a hike with a first aid kit, so that's what we did. We went to the Fielding Garr Ranch first, which unfortunately was closing about 15 minutes after we got there, so we didn't have much time to see anything. We'll have to go out there again so we can spend more time there. We did our hike at Buffalo Point and it was gorgeous. The kids enjoyed climbing all over the rocks and posing for pictures. We had a great time. The extra kid in the picture is my newphew Bill who is staying with us for the week.
So, as you can see, we have been extremely busy and have had a ton of fun. Hopefully it won't take me so long to update next time.
Wow, you guys have been busy! Looks like fun though!!!
fun busy is always good. Miss you!
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