Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Camping

For Easter weekend we went camping at Otter Creek with my parents, which for those of you who don't know is down south about an hour north of Bryce Canyon. My thoughts were that since we were heading south, it would be warm. Well....I was wrong!! It was so cold down there, we were freezing! Thank goodness we have a trailer. Even though it was cold, we still had a great time. We spent a lot of time inside my parents trailer playing games, Scrabble being my favorite, but we also got outdoors. Here is a sampling of the things we did.

The kids each got an early present from the Easter Bunny once we got down there on Thursday afternoon. Kenzie, Kaden, and Brooklyn each got fishing poles and Cody got a tackle box since he already had a pole. They immediately had to test them out and had a great time.

On Saturday we ventured down to Bryce Canyon. I had never been there before and it was nothing like what I had pictured. Again, because it's down south, I expected it to be warmer, but I was wrong! They still had snow. It was gorgeous and I'm very glad we went. I would like to go back some day when it's warmer and check out all the hiking trails.

Saturday night we let the kids color Easter eggs. I forgot to check the directions before we went and apparently you're supposed to use vinegar in the coloring, but the eggs turned out fine and the kids had a lot of fun!

Easter morning we told the kids they had to search the trailer for their Easter baskets that the Easter bunny had left for them. Considering the relatively small size of the trailer, there really were not many places they needed to look, but they were still baffled for a while. They each got new outfits and lots of candy.

We had a great time! I hope our next camping trip is a bit warmer, but I'm really glad we went!


Travis & Steff said...

Looks like you had a great time. The Easter bunny must have had to be really quiet with all the kids right there. I'm glad he didn't get caught :) Oh... your blogs take you so much time because they look so professional!!! Great job :)

The Garrs said...

Looks like you guys had fun. Maybe we will have to go with you guys on your next camping trip if the weather would ever warm up. I'm beginning to think that Spring is never coming.

Corrianne said...

How fun is that! I love camping, and its looks like you guys totally enjoyed yourselves! I miss you guys! We need to plan our next cousin party!....and cousin hair day!

the5johnsons said...

What fun. Your pictures look like you had a blast.

*mInDi-N-cHaD* said...

i'm sorry it was so cold, but you managed to have fun still. how are you doing anyways?

Shawna said...

That looks like so much fun!

Hey I just wanted to let you know I changed our blog address to www.kyleandshawnaslife.blogspot.com for safety reasons!