Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Kenzie has now been tagged in Kiddo Tag, so here are 5 things you may or may not know about her:

1. She loves animals. It doesn't matter whether it's stuffed or live, she loves animals. She could care less about Barbies or dolls, she would much rather play with an animal.

2. She loves to dance! She has been taking dance for 6 years now. She is on the competition team at Syracuse Dance Academy and goes to dance three times a week. She is also in a tumbling class once a week.

3. She is very creative. She loves to draw pictures, write stories, and make up songs or poems. She enjoys writing in her journal as much as possible.

4. She loves little kids. She is so good about playing with her younger brother and sister. She loves to teach them how to dance and they like to show off for us. She loves it when other little kids come over. She is going to be a great baby-sitter when she gets older!!!

5. She loves to talk. She always has a story to tell about something. Sometimes she gets so excited about something she's telling you she has a hard time getting all the words out.

There are so many things that I admire about Kenzie. She has a very loving personality and is always willing to help out. I love you Kenzie!!!

I'm not sure who else to tag, so anyone who hasn't done this for their kids, you've been tagged!!

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